Vegetable-tanned leather
We believe that to have a high-quality leather it is necessary to give importance to the production process; we work the raw material accompanying it in the transformation process that will make it strong and resistant leather, taking care of every step in every detail.
Our leather factory produces leather for soles, working leather with the slow tanning.
Slow Tanning
We have chosen to work leather using slow vegetable tanning because we know that it is the only process that can return a finished product of high quality that can be used to create soles for resistant shoes and technical products for riding. The special tannin mixture that we use allows us to offer our customers a leather that has natural colors and smell. Our method is rooted in distant times, but still today guarantees to obtain the leather with the best properties.
Our leather’s properties
The leather we produce is first of all an enviromentally friendly leather. The slow vegetable tanning allows us to exploit the natural properties of tannins. The slow tanning allow us to produce leather particularly suitable for the realization of soles for footwear. The attention we use throughout the production process make it possible that the leather we tanned is easy to work and has excellent technical and organoleptic qualities.
Thicknesses and Finishes
We are able to provide thicknesses from 2.5 mm to 6.0 mm according to customer needs in the following finishes: full grain, smoothed, finished with customizable finishes depending on the type of article required.
Vegetable tanning
Bovine leather
Breathable material
Leather for shoes
Production on behalf of third parties of leather
Our services are especially dedicated to companies that deal with the supply of high quality raw materials for fashion products. Our factory is specialized in the production of leathers destined mainly to shoes factories and sole manufacturers that for their products require only leather with the best technical and organoleptic characteristics.
Cuoificio s.g.
The S.G. leather factory is located in Santa Croce sull’Arno, in Tuscany and uses the slow-tanning method for the production of sole made of leather and technical articles. Our services are dedicated to companies that use or sell sole leather and are interested in the production of an high quality leather at a moderate price through our tanning service on behalf of third parties. Are you interested in our services? Use our contact form to request a quote or information about our work.
+39 0571 30476
Via Della Gremina 3/5, Santa Croce Sull’arno, PI 56029
info (@)